Neuromuscular therapy incorporates different modalities in stages to restore musculoskeletal, myofascial, and nervous system unbalance all while improving posture to relieve pain. Fatigued muscles cause problems in the network and the body will over use other muscles to compensate. NMT naturally corrects this cycle
Your body is meant for moving and when we have an injury, sit or stand too long, or have a general imbalance to our musculoskeletal frame, the muscles and nerves get worn down over time. One of the many functions of the brain is to manage these situations by sending signals to other working muscles to work "overtime" and help out the areas that are not working properly. Our bodies create a pattern of compensation to balance us and secure the injured area to heal itself. Eventually with limited movement to the affected area, the nervous system becomes disconnected.
Most areas just need a reset and whats called "muscle re-education" in order to start working effectively after the healing process has been completed. Neuromuscular therapy is a combination of manual techniques used with other modalities to repair these areas by breaking up old scar tissue that has formed and reconnecting the deep muscle tissue with the superficial layers of fascia. Your nervous system has many branches which connect to these layers and spread across your entire body which makes creating a new movement pattern possible when corrected through neuromuscular massage.
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